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Mother & Daughter Bible College

Ke Hobane'ng ha Thuto e le Bohlokoa ho Bo-'mè le Barali?
Thuto e bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho bopeng khetho ea motho ea bophelo le botho ba hae. Ka thuto, batho ba ka rua molemo menyetla e fapaneng ea ho ntlafatsa bophelo ba bona le likamano tsa bona, hammoho le ho ba litho tsa sechaba tse hlahisang litholoana. Thuto e bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho bopeng pono ea hau mabapi le likamano le bophelo.

Ha hoa lokela ho makatsa hore ebe basali ba rutehileng ba na le tšekamelo ea ho ba le boikutlo bo botle haholoanyane, ba phelang hantle, ba kopanelang ka mafolofolo ’marakeng oa mesebetsi e hlophisitsoeng haholoanyane, ba fumana chelete e ngatanyana, ba hōlisa likamano, ’me ba loanela ho fumana thuto e ntlafetseng le tlhokomelo ea bophelo bakeng sa bana ba bona ka mor’a hore e be bo-’mè. Ka mantsoe a mang, bo-’mè ba rutehileng ba rala motheo oa sechaba se molemo ka ho ntlafatsa bophelo ba malapa a bona, lichaba le lichaba.

Ka hona, re khothaletsa ka matla thuto ea bo-’m’e le barali ba bapalang karolo ea bohlokoa kahong ea sechaba. E boetse e ba thusa ho matlafatsa tlamahano ea 'mè le morali le ho ba matlafatsa ho tobana le mathata a bophelo ka matla le botšepehi. Ba ka sebelisa sesebelisoa sena se matla ho khothaletsa phetoho ea sechaba molokong o mocha.

Ngolisa bakeng sa Mananeo a E-Learning a 'M'e le Morali oa Rōna
Ho MDBN, re thehile Mananeo a matla a ho Ithuta a E-mail bakeng sa bo-mme le barali. Mananeo ana
li etselitsoe litho tsa sechaba sa habo rona, ho ba fa monyetla oa ho ntšetsa pele lithuto tsa bona le ho fumana li-degree tse ngolisitsoeng ka molao kapa tsa bachelor lithutong tse latelang ho 'M'e le Morali oa Bibele College (MDBC):
 Lithuto tsa Bibele
 Saekholoji ea Bokreste

U ka boela ua fumana litifikeiti le menyetla ea ntlafatso ea mosebetsi mafapheng a boletsoeng ka holimo ho tsoa ho MDBC.

Hobaneng o Ithuta ho MDBC?

Ho MDBC, re fana ka lithuto tse khethehileng tsa libeke tse 4 le mangolo a bo-'mè le barali ka mor'a likhoeli tse leshome le metso e 'meli.

Tlhohonolofatso e monate ka ho fetisisa le e ikhethang ea ho ithuta kolecheng ea rona ke hore re amohela likalimo tsa hau tsa koleche tse phethiloeng ho aha mosebetsi oa hau oa thuto le ho u thusa ho qala moo u tlohetseng teng! Ka MDBC joalo ka molekane oa hau oa thuto, ho fumana lengolo la hau la koleche ho haufi ho feta kamoo u neng u nahanne! Ho fumana lintlha tse ling ka Koleche ea Bibele ea 'Mè le Morali, u ka tobetsa konopo ea Boitsebiso ba Ngoliso haufi le holimo leqepheng lena.

Register for Our Mother and Daughter E-Learning Programs
At MDBN, we have developed robust E-Learning Programs for mothers and daughters. These programs
are designed for our community members, giving them an opportunity to continue their education and earn accredited associate's or bachelor's degrees in the following subjects at the Mother and Daughter Bible College (MDBC):
• Biblical studies
• Christian Psychology

You can also earn certifications and career development opportunities in the above mentioned fields from MDBC.

Why Study at MDBC?

At MDBC, we offer exclusive 4-week courses and graduation for mothers and daughters after twelve months.

The most exciting and unique blessing of studying at our college is that we accept your completed college credits to build your educational career and help you start where you left off! With MDBC as your education partner, getting your college degree is closer than you imagined! 

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